5 Tips for Creating a Strong Community
Bree C
Your favorite ambitionista, wife, & mother follow the journey @ambitionisthenewpink @iamambitiousbree
A lot of the time we hear fellow business owners trying to figure out how to cultivate the “right” kind of social media presence. If you’re in the social mediasphere at all, you’ve likely read or research about the importance of cohesiveness, Insta Stories, quality of images and more, but the most important part of building a social presence that thrives?
Creating a strong community that loves your company, supports your efforts and ultimately, wants to buy from you.
But how does one go about making that happen? We’re sharing our 5 tips for creating a strong community.

1. Comment Back
When people comment on your posts or reply to your Instagram or Facebook Stories, comment back more than just a few hearts or a “ty!” when possible. People like to know there’s a person behind the computer screen and many are using the platform to engage like they would in real life.
Ask questions — even a simple “How has your week been going?”
Reply as to why the comment meant so much to you — “Thank you so much. You have no idea how many hours we worked on getting this design just right + comments like yours make our hearts so happy.”
Take a stroll through their profile + leave a comment or two — “Ah, that wine looks so good! Invite the [company name] team next time?”
2. Tell Stories
This goes back to remembering that people want to know there’s an actual person penning those posts from behind the computer. Every once and a while it’s fine to do a “less is more” content piece, but a lot of the time, people are looking for more.
They want to read how you came up with it, what you use that product for, your ‘real life.’
3. Behind the Scenes
We’re always going on about the importance of showing your behind-the-scenes! Whether that looks like you prepping for a product shoot, giving features to your employees, packaging orders, the list goes on — a large group of people love seeing what’s going on behind the closed curtains.
Remember: This doesn’t just include your business. If you’re a smaller brand, people want to see the creator — you! Share a bit about your likes, hobbies, pets, etc. to give them an inside sneak peek.

4. Try Out IRL Engagements
Part of building a community online is being able to nurture one in real life. Host meet-ups in your area for like minded folks or ask local co-working spaces if you can come and speak at an upcoming event or panel.
An amazing bonus to this is your marketing really does the work for you when people post about it during or after — get to know the people who already love you IRL and attract the ones who don’t!
5. Share Value
Sharing things of value is always where it’s at for growing a community — whether it be online or in person. Share things that your target audience would likely love to learn more about + incorporate things you find to be of value (that relate to your business’ values).